Government guidelines surrounding Covid-19 continue to restrict how we operate.


We are open for repairs, servicing, and to accept donations, but by appointment only. Please do not turn up at our workshop as the doors are locked. Contact shortcuts are at the top and bottom of this page.

We are prioritising NHS staff and keyworkers at this time, so please be patient and we will get to you.

We are currently offering a pick-up and drop-off service to help with social distancing. Be aware though it’s difficult to set time slots, and this takes us away from our workshop. If you can drop-off and collect it would be very helpful. We have a social distancing process setup for this.

Turnaround times depend on what work your bicycle requires, and what we have in stock. Our suppliers are operating, but on a longer delivery schedule.

We are accepting bike donations – we need more adult bikes.

We are putting bikes through the workshop as fast as possible – safety and customer satisfaction remains our top priority. At this challenging time, we ask for your patience and understanding.

Keeping active remains important for physical and mental health, particularly at this difficult time. Please ride responsibly, follow relevant government guidance with regards to social distancing.

Please ride safe.

We are experiencing huge demand for our services, so to make it easier for you the customer, we are updating our website…

Therefore this site is currently under maintenance. It will be back as soon as possible. You can still reach us in the normal ways through Facebook, email, or phone.